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Blog 14 – Retro Fest Fever

Writer's picture: Anne ElliottAnne Elliott

Howdy Rockers,

We are on the final leg of our Retro Fest 2015 organising and time is a ticking…

Only 5 weeks to go and so much to do! Our events program is complete and full to the brim with great entertainment.

Our Pin up Ladies are all preparing for their debut – the vintage styling and stagecraft preparation workshops are being held on Saturday August 5th in the training room at Port Panthers so take this opportunity to develop your knowledge and enjoy the fun and camaraderie of such a happy group of people.

There is much excitement around outfits for the Ball and we are all working together to make sure everyone is comfortable and we have loads of great resources in our Port Rockers frock and accessories cupboard! If you would like some ideas talk to Heather and she will help you out.

As a Club this is a gigantic leap to take on a full weekend dance festival, we are so fortunate to have a great working party dedicated to delivering a world class event, now we need each of you to jump in and give us a hand. Wednesday nights at our Social Rockers we will be putting together the table centres etc. so bring along your paper scissors if you have some, we will get all our decorations and prizes prepared.

We are forming small working parties to cover off on the weekend jobs:

1. Auditorium Set up 8am Saturday morning

2. Port Rockers – our Club market stall set up

2. Door – entry tickets Saturday festival day

3. Manning Port Rockers Market stall

4. Setting up for Vintage fashion show

5. Stage set up and decorating

4. Table set ups and decorating

5. Door – entry Gala Ball Saturday Night

6. Clear away table decorations Saturday night

7. Set up for Memphis morning tea Auditorium 9.30am Sunday

8. Door – entry tickets Sunday festival day

9. Manning Port Rockers market stall

10. Set up for Chill down dance – Auditorium 10.30am Sunday

11. Pack up – Sunday 3pm

If you are able to help out with any of these tasks please let us know and we will love to have your help. Many hands make light work! Our plan is to make this a fun experience where everyone gets the opportunity to enjoy our festival so if we each take on a small task we can ensure that no one is left working all weekend.


Both the Saturday and Sunday Festival days have an entry fee of just $3 payable at the door no tickets will be presold.

Saturday Night – Our RETRO FEST 2015 GALA BALL is a ticketed event and you will need a ticket to attend we are pre selling at $22 each and IF we have any left they will be sold at the door for $25.

Please get your tickets now as we are not holding any in reserve. They are selling very well and it is a case of first in best dressed, we do not want our Club members to be disappointed and miss out.

In order to make sure that everyone has a great dance night we are restricting ticket numbers to 300 to ensure space on the floor for all.

To purchase tickets give Heather a call 0427823344 or email:

We also have tickets on sale at Tuesday Night Classes and Wednesday Rockers.

Til next time – Happy Dancing!


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