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Blog 15 – Retro Fest 2015 … it’s so yesterday

Writer's picture: Anne ElliottAnne Elliott

News & Views Blog 15 – Retro Fest 2015 … it’s so yesterday | Port Macquarie Panthers This site uses the Google Analytics by Yoast plugin v5.4.6 - Universal disabled - / Google Analytics by Yoast <meta name="NextGEN" version="2.1.15" /> Stream WordPress user activity plugin v3.0.2 Jetpack Open Graph Tags


It is hard to believe we are less than 3 weeks out from our Major Event – PORT ROCKERS RETRO FEST 2015.

Everywhere you look will be our Logo and gorgeous Branding. So like and share our event on Facebook and let all your friends know we are on!

This Saturday 22nd August we have been invited to showcase Retro Fest in Settlement City and we are calling for your support to make this a real success. The Newspaper and TV are coming along to spread the word and we need you.

Dress up in Club Colours ( Blue and Black) . Our lovely Local pin up entrants are coming along in their outfits to help with handing out our Postcards and we will be dancing. The Ukulele group Khristina & The Z Chords will join in, they are great and will be performing on Sunday at the Memphis Morning Tea.

We are meeting at the Coffee Club in Settlement City at 11.15 . It will go to 12.30 and then we will be having publicity photos.

Tickets to the Gala Ball are walking out the door and we only had 300 to sell so get in and get yours or you may miss out. Phone Heather 0427823344. Panthers also have tickets at reception if you call in. $22 each.

If .. and I say If there are any left they will be on sale for $25 at the Door.

We have assembled small working parties to manage our festival weekend and we would love to have you help out if you are able to spare an hour or so. Please let Heather know if you can assist. Many hands make light work and we always have fun getting the job done!

Our Retro Fest weekend has created a life of it’s own and people are travelling from near and far to attend.


Back to Dancing – Our EZY STEPS LEARNERS COURSE – Tuesdays 7pm – 8pm has gathered momentum and we are seeing record numbers of Ezy Steppers learning and loving their dancing. Steve is doing a mighty job and the improvement of our newbies is exceptional so by Retro Fest we will have crop of really good learner dancers all Rocking to Juke Box Jive.

The Intermediates have seen Steve introduce an eight week “3 move combinations” course, this is a great way to give your memory a break and sophisticate your dance moves. Our Advanced Dancers enjoy the last part of our Tuesday evenings to bite into some tricky moves.

All in all loads of wonderful opportunities to enjoy.

Til next time…



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