Howdy Rockers,
as we close the Financial Year we have had a great month in June with our ROCK IT UP Dance night with the boys from PPR Express coming along to support Steve Jarron from the Mainliners. They did a great job and the night was a ton of fun with lots of happy dancers and many visitors from our sister clubs.
DJ Dale was just great and really worked in well with the Band and our night in general – his Group the Razzle Dazzle Rockers from Coffs Harbour were great fun and they bussed it down and played up like a bunch of happy teenagers!
Likewise the smiling faces of the Club Taree Coasters were a delight and we loved their company
Two special people from the Cool Rockin’ Cats – Lyn and Ken let slip that they had their first ever date 53 years ago to the night – and went to see Johnny O’Keefe! How wonderful and what a lovely couple they are. They drew the raffle and amazingly drew out 23 & 24 consecutive numbers – they are truly joined at the Heart!
Thankyou to each and every one of you who came along and helped with the set up and also with the clean up – this is what makes our Club tick and we love to see the results of everyone enjoying a great event.
It is such a thrill to see all the lovely outfits and the great Hairstyles that so many of our Ladies are embracing, we really are “Living the Dream”.
It is so rewarding to see everyone sharing the passion of dance and having a great time
Coming up is our big weekend Festival – Retro Fest and our Fabulous Fifties Pin Up Competition. This Sunday 5th July Miss Dale will be conducting the first Vintage styling workshop in the training room at Port Panthers from 10 am, this is an opportunity to get some great styling tips and tricks to help you develop your look.
As our festival draws closer we have many areas to work on and will be doing some “craft” at our Wednesday Rockers to get our Table centres and decorations for the Big Gala Ball ready, so if you are inclined you can participate and together we will create a wonderful event.
We have had several of our Club Table centres with the records get broken etc over time and we are in need of 15 more and the Men’s Shed have kindly offered to do some more for us.
The year is well on it’s way and before we know it Christmas will be upon us – this year our Christmas Party dance night will be on Saturday November 28th – we are lucky to have Rockin’Jukebox and Deejay Jimmy Dee to ensure a top night of fun and dancing. This year our Dance Party will be themed ” ALOHA HAWAII ” so peg the date and don’t miss out – keep your eye out for your Hawiian outfit!
Our next EZY STEPS Learners course will commence on July 28th and our Newbies are really developing, it is fantastic to see how much you each progress each week. Our Wednesday Rockers Social night has been a great way to nail your moves and gain confidence.
Until next time -HAPPY DANCING!