Objectives of the Club
One of the primary functions of the club is to teach Rock & Roll dancing
Our Club Motto is
Meet the Committee
The committee is charged with managing the Club for the benefit of the members and the Club itself. Members of the Club put suggestions to the committee and it is up to the committee to put those suggestions into practice. The committee must first decide whether those suggestions are legally and financially viable. The committee may form a sub-committee of members with the skills and incentive to put a suggestion into practice. The committee must follow certain procedures as per the Clubs rules and regulation. All Club members are encouraged to share ideas and suggestions to build and develop our Club

Thursday EZY Steps - guided Lessons
Thursday Sequence - All Welcome - Held at the end of the Ezy Steps Lesson class
Monday - Social Dance - great fun night - come and join us to practice your steps
Additional SubCommittee Members:
The Club hosts the annual Port Panthers ROCKIN RETROFEST weekend event.
See http://retrofest-port.com.au for details
Email: portrockinpanthers@gmail.com